Excerpt from Dark Days Tarot Guidebook by Emily Mundy:
Five of Wands
In the Tarot, fives typically represent conflict or change, and this five-card is no less in predicting the midst of adjusting to strife. The querent may be coming up against challenges to their point of view, and it might seem like there isn’t space for the myriad of discussions that require deep delving into. Similarly, this card represents a cohort of people that stand on a common ground without the proper means to bring the undercurrent of goals into fruition. In all directions, the path forward and the challenging times ahead require strength through individualism and openness to common destination.
Suggested prompts:
upright: brewing strife; sociopolitical distress
right: social controversy; leading with intention
left: compromise; avoiding conflict
reversed: realization; accepting being wrong
These brilliant warriors are clamoring in the struggle manifest their destinies. To fully manifest as a warrior it’s helpful to have firstly survived any initial struggles as an army.
This card is a reference to internal conflict, and carries a positive tone. Rather than pointing to problems with no viable solutions, this card reveals a current and relevant process of strengthening as a team, regardless of any solution or future outcome.
There is a good chance that life will feel easier when the conflict at hand is viewed as an education. Bear in mind that conflict resolution is an oft-necessary skill, while acting out angrily is not. The tipping point is to be avoided.
Wands: Ability to work together as a team; being able to resolve conflicts as an organization; the power of one multiplied by the influence of all souls involved.
Fives: Missed connections; karmic stumbling blocks; personality
conflicts in collective manifestation.