Excerpt from Dark Days Tarot Guidebook by Emily Mundy:
Six of Pentacles
The Six of Pentacles is a card representing being in harmony with your blessings. Because what is flowing into and out of your life is in balance, you feel grateful for your bounty but not grasping of it. This means you are pulled to share, to be charitable, kind, generous, philanthropic. Consider giving charity or reaching out) to someone in need of your support. The giving of time and wisdom is of equal importance as the material; intangible gifts, like presence, are received by the same arms. If the Six of Pentacles does not face you, be wary of wasting or giving away what you do not have. The state of your finances and expenditures should be carefully considered. Think twice when toying with your own or your family’s security.
Suggested prompts:
upright: security; blessings; prosperity; support
right: call to offering; prompt to reach out
left: risky financial endeavors; loans
reversed: debt; drain of security