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Queen of Wands - Minor Arcana Card

Excerpt from Dark Days Tarot Guidebook by Emily Mundy:

Queen of Wands

The Queen of Wands symbolizes a femme in your life that is closely in touch with creative processes, financially and socially savvy, and happy to share her skills and knowledge with those that she loves. She is honest in offering you support (if not a person, a situation is revealed to you in which your enterprise is supported). Allow her to help you gain a deeper understanding of your own aims and ambitions. She’s done well for herself and wants to see you succeed in tandem! This is a good time to take her helping hand and proceed with creative plans. Facing left or reversed, the Queen of Wands represents an overbearing obstacle, rather than a helper. Exert care in relation to her, especially where finances or career trajectory are concerned.

Suggested prompts:

upright: inspiration from another; creative support

right: sound advice; investment

left: lack of support; floundering with ideas

reversed: overbearing presence; obstacle to success

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