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Six Meaningful Winter Solstice Rituals for Earth Lovers

Winter Solstice Rituals designed by witch Wren Jane Brignac

The winter solstice is a powerful shift in the natural world when the daylight reaches its lowest point in the year.

Just as it starts to feel too dark, we finally celebrate the increasing solar energy and the new year ahead. 

Humans have long celebrated the winter solstice because of the significance of the dramatic shift in solar light on Earth. It's considered the natural new year. 

It’s also the start of another cycle of seasons and crops. Celebrations of the winter solstice are prayers for a safe winter ahead and an abundant year to come.

A tarot card reading using the Dark Days Tarot deck, a deck inspired by the moon and lunar phases as well as the divine feminine
A candle-lit reading using Dark Days Tarot cards

Honoring the Darkness

Celebrate the darkness as fertile. To grow, a seed requires darkness through soil cover and peace. The coming winter, as the darkness slowly melts away, is our opportunity to plant symbolic seeds in this darkness. 

A child is birthed from darkness, and those who hatch find the light through darkness. Mysterious experiences inspire art and ideas. 

By joyfully and magically honoring the cyclical nature of the darkness at Winter Solstice, we build trust in the rising solar energy. This trust sustains us as we sometimes slog toward spring. 

Mark the Occasion

Rituals help to build powerful memories around positive intentions. The memories of these rituals can quiet self-doubt and negative self-talk. This is why celebrating the solstice is good for your mental health. 

There are many simple but powerful ways to mark the solstice. Below are six rituals for celebrating the winter solstice in a meaningful way. 

Do not feel like you need to incorporate all of them to have a powerful Solstice or new year.

1. Create a Solstice Altar

Altar magic is my favorite. I find altars easy to create because building them can be so personal. See what objects seem to call to you and work with them by arranging them in a special place, like a corner or shelf. 

Altars come in all sizes and can include deities and order or not. I like to think of them as magical object collages infused with meaning I give them. This beauty, creativity, and meaning-making is magical. 

First, gather items that represent the four elements to bring harmony to the altar.

For example, to represent…

…fire, add a candle or candles, a blade or wand.

…water, add a bowl of water or seashells.

…air, add lit insence and/or feathers.

…earth, add stones, pinecones, or plants.

Arrange these items on your altar in a way that feels beautiful to you. Add things like a little tree ornament, symbols of fertility, sprigs of evergreen plants like holly or rosemary, etc. to represent the winter solstice holiday. 

When you light the candle and incense, and freshen the water, you enliven the altar and bring fresh, nurturing energy into your home. 

For altar inspo, check out this post from my IG. It's an autumnal altar, but you can take inspiration to build your winter altar.

2. Perform Sun Salutations

The solstices are times of great solar power. One ritual that you can perform at some point on the day of the solstice is the yoga sun salutation, which is a series of movements and poses that honor the sun and its life-giving energy. 

You can do this ritual outside in the sunlight if possible, or in a well-lit room.

To perform a simple sun salutation, start by standing with your feet together and your hands at your heart center. 

As you inhale, raise your arms overhead, arching your back slightly to look up at the sun if it's visible. 

As you exhale, fold forward and reach for the ground, allowing your body to hang in a gentle forward bend. 

Repeat this sequence several times, allowing your movements to flow with your breath.

As you perform the sun salutation, you can visualize yourself drawing in the energy of the sun and channeling it into your body. 

You can also use this practice to set intentions for the coming season, focusing on what you want to cultivate and manifest in your life over the next year. 

Practicing yoga to honor the Solstice
Me practicing yoga in Mysore, India circa 2008

3. Make a Seasonal Offering

Another way to honor the solstice is to make an offering to the natural world. This could be as simple as leaving out a bowl of water for the birds and animals, planting seasonal flowers or herbs in your garden, or creating a piece of art that reflects the beauty of the changing seasons.

If you have a fire pit or outdoor space, you can also perform a ritual burning of herbs or other natural materials as an offering to the elements and spirits of the land. 

As you release the smoke into the air, you can focus on releasing any habits or energies that no longer serve you, allowing them to be transformed by the power of the solstice.

4. Light a Yule Log

Yule logs were burned by early pagans at the solstice to celebrate the returning of the sun. This tradition spread throughout other religions and continues to this day.

Find a suitable log and collect seasonal herbs and flowers. Build a sacred fire outdoors or indoors. Bless the Yule log by decorating it with these natural materials. 

Light the log and dance and sing around the fire to celebrate the returning light. Share intentions for the new year and food and drink as offerings to the earth and each other.

When the log has burned down, sprinkle some of the ashes from the fire around the house/participants’ houses as a blessing for the coming year.

5. Divination and Reflection

Winter Solstice is a time of reflection and contemplation, making it an ideal moment for divination.

Divination decks like playing cards and Tarot cards can give you insights and guidance for the coming months.

Read for yourself using some of the tips I offer here on my blog or indulge in a reading from another reader like myself.

Before, during, and after your reading, you can also spend time journaling or meditating on what the Solstice means to you personally. 

Think about how you can align yourself with the energies of this powerful time over the next four months to manifest the year you want to experience. Use a deck that aligns with your mood and the vibe of the season.

6. Celebrate with Your Community

Finally, the solstices are often celebrated in community, and many gather with friends and loved ones to mark these occasions. 

You may consider hosting a solstice gathering or attending a public ritual in your area to connect with others who share your spiritual beliefs.

If you're unable to gather in person, you can still connect with like-minded individuals online.

Sharing your experiences and insights with others can deepen your connection to the solstice and help you feel part of a larger spiritual community.

To plan an in-person celebration:

  • Plan a festive meal with seasonal ingredients.

  • Set a beautiful table with candles, greenery, and other seasonal decorations.

  • Gather with loved ones and share stories and memories of the past year.

  • Light a Yule log (see instructions above).

  • Enjoy the food and drink, savoring the flavors as an act of gratitude.

  • Offer a toast to the turning of the seasons and the light's return.

  • Close the gathering with blessings and well wishes for the year ahead.

As you celebrate the Winter Solstice season, remember to approach this time with an open heart and a spirit of reverence for the natural world. 

Honor the solstice to attune yourself to the cycles of nature and connect to the deeper rhythms of life. Tap into ancient wisdom and find ways to celebrate the changing of the seasons by embracing these rituals. 


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