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Dark Days Blog
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Magical Thinking + Living
The Four of Swords – Times of Rest & Retreat
The Four of Swords is a card of rest, rejuvenation, and inner-retreat; a card of centering, meditation, and solitude.
Dark Moon Musing: The Lovers - Yes and Yum
“There are only two mantras. Yum and yuk. Mine is yum.” -Bernard Mickey Wrangle, of Tom Robbins’ Still Life With Woodpecker Love is a...
Dark Moon Musing: Mystery Looms in the Belly of the Moon
Dear reader, what’s the last thing you asked the moon? If your answer is “well, I don’t ask the moon anything” then I challenge you to...
Dark Moon Musing / Temperance: On Making Messes and Cleaning Up
My house is a wreck right now. Last night’s pack of cigarettes tossed on the kitchen counter, dishes in the sink, spent tea-lights and a...
When Lightning Strikes – The Tower, and Necessary Destruction
When two highly and oppositely charged regions of the atmosphere temporarily equalize, the result is an electric release of about one...
Dark Moon Musing - Words as Spells and the Page of Swords
The Pages represent young, energetic, and curious people or energies who are often growing an interest in intellectual, educational, or...
Dark Moon Musing: A Survey of Inner Strengths
Internal steadfastness, personal power, and endurance of the heart—all alluded to in the Strength card—are, for me at least, strange...
Dark Moon (Solar Eclipse) Musing: Manifestation and the Magician
What is it that you really want? Is it a career? A creative pursuit? A loyal partner? Many loved ones? A chosen family? Attention to yo
Dark Moon Musing: Grief, Water, and the Eight of Cups
In retrospect, if I could have seen myself through the eyes of a fly on the wall, the scene must have been at least mildly funny: I...
Dark Moon Musing: The Hermit and the Inner Life
As creatives, we draw out our material from our surroundings—externally, of course, but also from our internal landscapes. This is where th
Magical Thinking + Living
Tarot Card Readings + Exercises
Dark Moon Musings by Emily Mundy
General Musings by Wren McMurdo Brignac
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